
36. The Rebel Conspiracy

The Rebel Conspiracy breeds and feeds fear. often, there is a vicious circle between the Rebel and Fear Conspiracies. At the root of every problem, there is an authority conflict. This is the key element in the Rebel Conspiracy, and this often leads to writing life scripts of rebellion and bad atitude.The Rebel Conspiracy makes it very difficult to have successful relationships or careers. We think the only freedom is the freedom to run away from, or to fight against, something. The ego has chosen bondage over bonding, so we will resist bonding, freedom, and creation. The ego tells us to do things our own way, which is its way of creating Soap Operas in our lives, so it can use the energy to miscreate.

Soon after "the fall"- our dream of separation- we entered into a Rebel Conspiracy. instead of remembering Oneness and God when we fell into the original separation- the "dark night of the soul"- we turned and ran further into separateness, trying to evade the initial pain and guilt of our primordial loss. only recently has humanity begun to turn around and began evolving toward unity and Oneness once again. Even the nicest people have Rebel Shadow Figures and Rebel Conspiracies buried and compensated for at the deepest levels of the mind by compensations that never lead to success or the swetness of bonding.

The Rebel Conspiracy makes us reactive rather than reponsive, and it is usually tied togher with the Independent Story. In the Rebel Conspiracy, we have not forgotten that we are im the Mind of God, we have actively rebelled against God and our idea of Him. We live as if we are alone and have to accomplish things by ourselves, This makes everything more difficult because we refuse the help and grace around us. Believing that we are alone makes it impossible to accomplish our purpose.

Reciving This Card
If you receive this card, then you are caught in one of the deepest and most destructive conspiracies. It is the root of your greatest problem patterns and setbacks. It is and aspect of you that allies with the dark instead of the light. It is now time to give this up in favor of happiness. It is time to remember that if there is spirit and Oneness, then it cannot change or be changed; it is eternal. You can only dream of separation; ou can only dream that eternity has been lost and you are" doing time". You are still in the Mind of God. You are still as God created you in the wholeness and innocence of spirit. For a happier, easier life, it is essential you let go of the Rebel Conspiracy, as it breeds the Independence and Competition Conspiracies. Subtly, or not so subtly, these attack those around you. You could have the love and success that comes with ease if ou choose bonding instead. Recognize that as you evolve and step forward, you not onlysucceed more, but also pull up deeper layers of the mind for healing. Again and again, you will find layers where Rebel Conspiracies are blocking your happiness and your abundance. The Rebel Conspiracy is a fight against yourself, your purpose, others, and God. What the Rebel Conspiracy costs is too big a price to pay for pride and fantasies of grandiosity. It is time to let it go and realize your greatness, and have a providence-filled life.

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